Welcome to Kerry Manning who will be joining Poole Communities Trust on 4 January 2022 for 1 year.
The post of Project Officer is being funded by the Rank Foundation ‘Time to Shine’ programme.
The Trust was selected to apply for this programme. It offers funding to pay the employee and learning and development opportunities.
Debbie Dixon, Lead for Bourne said : Huge thanks to the Rank Foundation – this is a wonderful opportunity for both Kerry and the Trust. Kerry has been volunteering for many years at the youth club and as Chair of both the Bourne Community Group and Bourne Big Local. Kerry has worked tirelessly to support the Bourne Community Hub project and will be an enormous asset to the Trust. Kerry will be working with me in planning for the opening of the Hub next summer. As well as working in the Hub for the first 6 months of its operation. We are both hugely excited about opening the doors to the community.’