Our Team

Our People Are Our Strength

Poole Communities Trust is run by a dedicated group of volunteers, staff and trustees. We benefit from hundreds of hours of volunteer time each year that is employed directly to support and assist the communities of Poole. Learn more about our team and why not consider becoming one of us?
Judith Bacon

Judith Bacon

Lead Trustee for Turlin Moor

Career highlights – I am proud to have worked in and around social care for over 30 years
in a variety of roles both in the voluntary and statutory sector. I particularly enjoyed my
last role which focussed on trying to reduce loneliness and isolation for people living in Poole.
As we were a small organisation in Poole we were able to be responsive to local need and
explore new initiatives quickly.

I joined the Trust as Lead Trustee for Turlin Moor so that I could continue to support local projects in Poole that could have a
positive impact for people living locally.

At the Trust I am proud to be involved with an organisation that looks to work with the local
community to identify and develop local community initiatives. So much has been achieved
in a short time. I look forward to the next stages.

As a new trustee to PCT I look forward to contributing to the aims and objectives of the organisation and to working with the other trustees and employees.

Hannah Baker

Hannah Baker

Chief Officer

Career Highlights

Have included working with a group of five colleagues to establish the first Arts Team Mutual in England in 2015. We worked in partnership with Dorset Council to undertake a leadership programme delivered by the Cabinet Office, and this led to us constituting a Community Interest Company that I worked within for eight years.  Prior to that I spent ten years working in arts education for the local authority in Dorset.   I have a particular interest in equality for children in terms of their opportunities and experiences throughout childhood.  I have been a Safeguarding Lead in several organisations.


At the Trust I am really proud of the team of staff which has blossomed and expanded, and we are privileged to work together across our three community areas.  Each of us has life experiences and different expertise to bring to the mix and to learn from each other.

Chris Beale

Chris Beale

Career Highlights: I have worked in the voluntary sector all my adult career, currently as Director of a local charity, PramaLife which supports older people and carers. Before this I was Chief Executive of Poole Council for Voluntary Service. This sector is great to work in, it gives people an opportunity to tackle what they see as important in their community.


I joined Poole Communities Trust as Chair of Trustees: As I had seen some communities struggle with their community buildings, sometimes communities who most needed them, I see Poole Communities Trust as a solution to this.

At the Trust I am most proud of: The work of the local volunteers, they really help to pull their communities together.

As Chair of Trustees: I get a lot of learning, I think my problem solving skills have improved exponentially.

Debbie Dixon

Debbie Dixon

Lead Trustee for Bourne Community Hub

Career Highlights: 30 years in local government both as an HR professional and  then Corporate Director. I was fortunate to have worked on a huge range of projects including  building a housing scheme for homeless young people, setting up a children’s nursery, working with a football club and young people on a project to “kick racism out of football “ to project managing the design and delivery of a Council HQ.

I am the Lead Trustee for Bourne Community Hub: As it felt like a great way to use my professional skills to support local people achieve their dream of a community hub in Bourne.

At the Trust I am most proud of : The vision and determination that has been shown by the Board and volunteers to secure the funding  and permissions needed to build the new community hub  at Bourne.

As a Trustee: I get a huge sense of satisfaction when we secure funding and this offsets the frustration, annoyance and personal slight I feel if ever a letter of rejection arrives!!!!

Rich Herrett

Rich Herrett

Food and Cookery Champion

More Information Coming Soon

Katie Jefferies

Katie Jefferies

Senior Young People’s Worker

Career Highlights

Since graduating with a first class degree in Working with Children and Young People, I have been supporting young people and their families in all areas of their lives. This includes school attendance, behavioural concerns, SEN, self esteem, mental well being, relationships and now I am in an exciting part of my career, supporting local communities with a youth offer.

At the Trust I am most proud of seeing the relationships children are building within our youth sessions , not only with each other but with Poole Communities Trust staff too.

Hayley Johnson

Hayley Johnson

Young Peoples Session Worker

I joined the Trust in June 2024, after volunteering at the Branksome Centre for around a year at the weekly Stay and Play group.

At the Trust I am most proud of being part of a team working so hard towards bettering my local communities by providing a wide range of activities and support for all ages. Particularly the community cafes and food stores , knowing the benefit it has for so many people.

As a Young People’s Support Worker I have the privilege of getting to know the young people who attend our youth groups, being there as someone they can talk to , or have a laugh with. The sessions are such a joy to attend , the mix of personalities and interests makes every session different. I love seeing the children trying new things, and I find myself learning from them too.

It is such a rewarding role.

Emma Leatherbarrow

Emma Leatherbarrow


Career Highlights: After a career in local government and the voluntary sector, I now work for the NHS. Previous roles include leading a corporate strategy and research team, delivering multiple Healthwatch services across south central England and transforming services, including for children and families and domestic abuse survivors.  My current role with Wessex Cancer Alliance is focused on tackling inequalities in cancer care access, experience and outcomes and working closely with people and communities to ensure services are designed to better meet people’s needs. 

I joined the Poole Communities Trust as a Trustee because I want to use my skills to make a difference to a local charity and people.

As a new Trustee I look forward to learning more about the work of the charity and how I can help staff, volunteers and local people.

Mel Lucas

Mel Lucas

Community Development Worker

Text coming soon.

Kerry Manning

Kerry Manning

Community Development Worker

Career Highlights:

I have worked in the care sector as well as hospitality, taking a break to raise my family.  For more than ten years I have been volunteering in my local community, this has given me some amazing opportunities to work with a wide range of partners and raise funding to deliver local based projects. This has given me new challenges and new direction.

I joined Poole Communites Trust: to gain more skills and training and to give me the ability to make a wider impact supporting others in my local area. To work with like minded people learning from each other’s projects

At the Trust I am most proud of :the Bourne Community Hub project. Different skills have come together to help deliver projects in areas that need it the most, making a real difference by over coming challenges and discovering new ways to work.

As the Community Hub Project Officer: I am looking forward to the opening of the new Community Hub this summer and the exciting opportunities it will bring .

Kyla Mares

Kyla Mares

Branksome Community Centre Co-Ordinator (job share)

Career Highlights: I really enjoy raising funds from grants and events to help make vital improvements at the Branksome Centre, including our new hall floor.

I joined the Trust in the summer of 2021, after volunteering for the Trust and being a long-term hirer of the Branksome Centre

At the Trust I’m proud of the commitment to helping areas of deprivation and working with the vulnerable

As a centre co-ordinator, I help maintain the Branksome Centre, making sure we are ready to welcome groups, café goers, or someone who just needs to talk.

Mel Meadowcroft

Mel Meadowcroft

Community Food Store Co-ordinator

Career Highlights : I worked in banking for 12 years before leaving to concentrate on raising my young family. I started volunteering in my community in 2016 and joined my children’s school PTA, helping to raise much needed funds for the school. I took on the roles of Treasurer and Chairperson during my 5 years. I also joined and help establish Playmoor Skatemoor, a group of local mums set up through and backed by Poole Communities Trust. We organise fund raising and fun events for local children and act on trying to improve our community.

I joined the Poole Communites Trust as the Moor Community Food Co-ordinator. I was originally a volunteer and am proud to now become the Co-ordinator.

At the Trust I am most proud of : my work with Playmoor Skatemoor as we raised £100,00 to redevelop Foreland Road Play Park. I am also very proud of the Moor Community Food Store as we help around 70 families a week to access cheaper food. In June 2021 we have been open a year and are as popular and needed as ever.

As a Co-ordinator I am looking forward to working together with the trustees, establishing links with the PCT team and the local community to work together to make a difference to Poole.

Kirsty O'Dell

Kirsty O'Dell

Young Peoples Support Worker

Career Highlights: I have worked within Probation, Ministry of Justice for 20 years.  I have managed offenders in the community, as well as worked within a prison setting.  I prosecute court orders and complete reports on newly convicted offenders, with the aim of working with people on probation, to lead healthy and law-abiding lives.  Before this, I worked with young people within the Youth Offending Team.

Currently, I am seconded to the Children’s Service Safeguarding Families Team.  My work centres on working with people who have traits of/or are domestically abusive to their partners and children.  For this collaborative work with victim workers, as well as mental health and substance abuse agencies, we have recently received an award for Social Care Leadership.

I joined the trust in June 2024 as I like talking and working with young people to enable them to meet their full potential, whilst encouraging them to have fun and enjoy their time as children.

At the Trust I am most proud of: Building a friendly rapport with the staff and children I see each week.  When I returned after having two sessions off, two young people said they were happy to see me as they liked and missed me.  When I see the young people enjoying themselves at the community hub, it is important to me that they know that I am approachable and that they are having fun safely.

As a Young Peoples Support Worker I have child safeguarding as priority, but I also want to make sure everyone is happy and has an enjoyable time.  I am aware if someone is unhappy, quiet, not feeling okay etc, and offer the option to speak to someone within a safe and non-judgemental environment.

Feriser Tasdelen

Feriser Tasdelen

Trustee and Accountant

Photo and text coming soon.

Jade Tidbury

Jade Tidbury

Branksome Community Centre Co-Ordinator (job share)

Career Highlights : I originally started working in a community role because I love meeting different people and trying to help work towards a better environment for everyone through activities such as helping to keep the streets and parks cleaner to working with various groups who support different areas of the community. Through this work I met and created links with lots of incredible groups and charities, including Branksome Centre (PCT).

At the Trust I am most proud of : Together with the fantastic groups and volunteers we have created a lovely space for the community to come together to learn, get fit, have fun and socialise and I am looking forward to watching it continue to grow.

I joined Poole Communities Trust as a volunteer: initially I started an affordable toddler stay and play group that enabled parents and carers to socialise whilst their little ones explored in a safe environment. I then began helping out more and more in the café and with other tasks around the building before being lucky enough to become joint Centre Coordinator.

As the Centre Coordinator for Branksome: I am proud of the skills I have learnt and continue to gain and am excited to see what the future holds for Branksome Centre and also what more PCT will achieve in the years to come.

Russell Trent

Russell Trent

Volunteer and Administrative Worker

Career Highlights

My highlight to date has been to move from being a volunteer to joining the team as an employee. I have always found everyone at Poole Communities Trust to be passionate about the work we do.

I joined the Trust because after volunteering and seeing the sense of community that the work of the Trust creates , I really wanted to play a bigger part.

At the Trust I am most proud of the way we do so much to help our communities , people of all ages, from toddlers and young people through to older people. Our hubs and spaces always feel welcoming and our team helpful.

As the Volunteer and Administrative Worker my role is to grow and develop our team of volunteers

across our three spaces and its been great to meet lots of new people from all walks of life who are interested in volunteering with us .