Turlin Moor and Hamworthy


We offer the residents of Turlin Moor and Hamworthy :


Community Food Store

Held in the St Gabriels’s Church hall, Keyworth Street, Turlin Moor , Poole, BH16 5 BY
Open 12.30 – 4.30pm – Tuesdays
Membership open to all residents of Turlin Moor and Hamworthy
£1 membership fee
£3 per shop each week for a choice of up to 10 items


Warm Space

Open with the Food Store – come in for a free hot drink and a cake/ biscuit and a friendly chat.
Drop-in for Support or help – Citizens Advice available on last Tuesday of the month 1pm – 4pm
Help and Care – free and confidential help with housing, finances, mental health, anxiety, depression, grief, mobility, and support to carers 2nd Tuesday of the month , 12.30 – 3 p.m.


Moor Community Lunch

St Gabriel’s Church Hall
Come along and cook with our Community Food Champion – Rich .
Once a month – e mail Rich for latest dates and times richardherrett@poolecommunitiestrust.org.uk
Activities for Children and Young People
Youth Club for years 5,6 &7
Held in the St Gabriels’s Church Hall, Keyworth Street, Turlin Moor, Poole. BH16 5 BY
4.30 pm- 6pm – Mondays (term time only)
Parent/ carer consent forms must be completed
Ring Katie on 0752 758878 or @pctYouthOffer


Football Coaching

Held at the Multi use games area at Bayford Academy, Turlin Road, Poole BH16 5AH
Once a month we are joined by AFC Bournemouth Grassroots team.
4.30 – 5.30 Thursdays (including school holidays)
Parent /carer consent forms must be completed
Ring Mel Lucas on 0759 8780361


Street Dance

Held in the St Gabriels’s Church Hall, Keyworth Street, Turlin Moor, Poole, BH16 5 BY
6pm – 7pm Thursdays
Parent / Carer consent forms must be completed
Ring Katie on 0752 758878 or @pctYouthOffer


Free Family Crafts

We hold adult & children’s craft sessions every school holiday.
Held at The Vine Hub, Turlin Road, Poole, BH16 5AS
Thursdays – school holiday 1-3pm
Ring Mel Lucas on 0759 8780361


Building a skatepark for Turlin Moor

After lots of consultation with local residents and listening to young people we have started our much-wanted project to construct a spray concrete open access skatepark on Turlin Moor on the site of the former community centre.
With nearly 3,000 under 16’s in the area we want to:
· Give local young people a voice on a local facility that is for their use,
· Encourage healthy and free outdoor play activities,
· Create a space that will encourage participants to learn patience and respect, as well as concern for their own and others safety
· Create an inter-generational space where all ages are welcome.

BCP Council have agreed we can use the site, and we have started our fund raising. We very much hope to start construction in 2025!

If you would like to get involved, please contact Mel Lucas on 0759 8780361.


To keep up to date with our social media,  use the link below!




Everyone is so proud about the Play Park. The original play park had become dilapidated and in response local residents organised the Play Moor, Skate Moor community group to tackle this. Working with Ann to consult with the community, they then worked with council colleagues (our colleagues from Environmental Services were great partners) to raise the £120,000 to make this happen. The Play Park was opened on 4 July 2019 and as you can see from the second photo it was an immediate success. Play is fundamentally important to the development of all children.


Every Thursday evening, we run a football session with AFC Bournemouth for the young people of Turlin Moor, some of whom are pictured below during their visits to AFC Bournemouth’s stadium in 2017 and 2019 respectively, as part of our programme of summer activities.

Need Help?

If you live in Turlin Moor and have a problem or concern – contact us – we will do our best to assist or refer you to the right organisation – ring Mel Lucas on 0759 8780361.

Coming In 2025!

Turlin Moor Big Play – a creative outdoor play event

Family Fun Day

Public Art – the opportunity to take part in an outdoor art project in Turlin Moor

Well-being breakfasts – a programme for people wanting to improve their well being

For more information contact Mel Lucas on 0759 8780361


We love to hear from the community! If you have a question, need help connecting with other people or, just about anything else, we would love to hear from you! Fill in your information below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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